
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gen Con – What am I missing?

Your humble host has attended various gaming conventions, but this will be his first year at Gen Con.  Registration began the other day and – not surprisingly – many events have “sold out.”  I don’t have a problem with this; first come, first serve and all that.  What seems strange is the conspicuous absence of certain games – even among the sold out events.  No Traveller?  No RuneQuest?  No Encounter Critical?  For serious, yo, what’s up with that?

No game left behind?  Yeah, right.
Perhaps most egregious is the lack of any Atlantasia session.  One would think that with a quarter of a million fans there would be at least some presence at the con.  Probably a lot of red tape is holding up the creation of the World Atlantasia Fantasy Trust…or maybe something more sinister is working to suppress John Holland’s masterpiece.  To be honest, I’m kind of disappointed with John; the Atlantasia website is but a shadow of its former self, no new products have been offered and no contests have been announced.  What am I supposed to do with all my Atlantasia fanfic?


  1. Post your fanfic here! Wanna read more of Johann's Bitey adventures.

    If you're really going to Gen Con, you can find those games. They are on the down low, though, not on the official grid. You'll have to ask around. The Dealers' room is a solid place, probably near the OSR booth. But you will find some of those games being played pick-up in hotel lobbies or even restaraunts around the convention.


    1. I figured that there would be off-the-grid pick-up action; I'm just anal about schedules.

  2. Congrats on being able to make it GenCon this year. The Sold Out thing is sometimes hard to deal with. Remember to get some Generic tickets as well. Sometimes you can get into a game with generic tickets just because people don't show up.

    1. Thanks for the advice; I made certain to get generic tickets.

      I'm happy with the events I have and I will certainly attend "Indie Games on Demand" some of the time.
