Much of the art in Timemaster consists of woodcut illustrations from the Dover Pictorial Archive. Given the time travel theme, this is perfectly acceptable. However, the quality of the character portraits varies to a distracting degree.
Alan Anderson
(Date of Birth: May 18, 1964) Anderson's “good grades and athletic ability in high school, combined with his experience flying the family crop-duster, made [him] a natural choice for appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy.” Anderson's listed age is 20, so he must have been recruited by the Time Corps before he completed his studies at the Academy. In any event, his elective skills are Pilot and Martial Arts. (All trainees start with four skills: A specialty in the regional history of the trainee's pre-recruitment life, use of the Time Corps stunner, and two elective skills.) Each character has two paranormal talents; one is Paranormal Memory and the other is chosen. (Paranormal Memory “allows characters to remember what 'should' have happened in history after history has been changed.”) Anderson's chosen talent is Memory Restoration which “allows agents to 'restore' the memory of a historical character 'remembers' what he or she is 'supposed' to remember.” It also causes the subject to forget any time travel shenanigans to which he or she was exposed.
Dmitri Yurovich Boruskov
(Date of Birth: March 23, 1881) At the age of 35, Boruskov was recruited by the Time Corps in October, 1916. (We are not told if these are Julian or Gregorian dates.) After enlisting in the Tsarist army, “he saw action during the Russo-Japanese war of 1905.” He managed to survive the Battle of Tannenberg in 1914. Finally, he participated in the Brusilov Offensive in 1916. Boruskov “retains a strong dislike for Germans in uniform and officers of any nationality.” This might be problematic during the course of the introductory adventure. Anyway, Boruskov's elective skills are Long Barreled Gun and Machine Gun. His second Paranormal Talent is Time Shift. We learn that, “Characters with this talent can 'shift' the time around them back to the beginning of the prior round.” [original emphasis]
Elaine Desmond
(Date of Birth: June 27, 1954) Desmond “earned an academic scholarship to Penn State, where she majored in English literature.” Because “academic life proved too tame for her,” Desmond discontinued her efforts to obtain a doctorate. (Was she expecting the study of English literature to be anything other than tame?) Because she is a fictional African-American, she is naturally “street-wise.” She eventually became a pilot, so one of her skills is Pilot. As a result of Desmond being “a semi-pro class [softball] pitcher,” the Time Corps taught her the Grenade skill. Her second Paranormal Talent is Adaptation, which allows characters “to become social 'sponges,' absorbing all the intangibles of the culture and lifestyle around them.” They can “soak up sights, sounds, manners, customs – things that natives to a culture may not notice until they are missing.”
Sarah Little-Bear
(Date of Birth: July 17, 1868) We are told that Little-Bear “could perform the typical duties of an Apache wife...” This statement implies that Little-Bear is an Apache and that she was married before she was recruited. No comment is made concerning the fate of her husband or any children they may have had. She “compares the Corps' secret struggle against the Demoreans to her own people's struggle against the white man; to Sarah, the two are very much alike.” Little-Bear's elective skills are 'Dagger/Knife (melee)' and Stealth. Her second Paranormal Talent is Telepathic Probe, which allows a character to “probe the mind of another character and establish that character's true identity.” We read that, “Agents often use this talent in the field to discover Demorean or renegade infiltrators.”
Ferdinand Rivera
(Date of Birth: October 17, 1480) Rivera is the oldest of the trainees, both in terms of his date of birth and his age relative to the other trainees. Rivera's Strength score is 80, the highest possible value. The formula for determining Basic Ability values is: 20 + (2 × 3d10), for a range of 26 – 80. Rivera “took part in the Cortez expedition to Mexico,” but the “Time Corps recruited him from the year 1520, just before Cortez overthrew Montezuma.” Rivera's elective skills are Long Barreled Gun and Sword. His second Paranormal Talent is Ignore Pain. Normally, when a character suffers a critical wound, he or she must attempt a Willpower check. If failed, he or she cannot engage in further activity until he or she receives medical treatment. With successful use of the Ignore Pain talent, a character can forgo post-critical wound Willpower checks.
Deborah Schwarz
(Date of Birth: December 18, 1959) Schwarz “was born to an American Jewish family who emigrated to Israel in the early 1950s.” We learn that “she joined a kibbutz and was soon recognized as a natural leader.” Also, “The wars and terrorism that plagued the Middle East motivated her to study the history and cultures of the region...” Her Historical Specialty is described as “Israel and the Middle East, 1859-1974.” However, this would seem to be in error. Having been born in 1959 and recruited at age 25, the time range should extend to 1984. Her elective skills are Long Barreled Gun and Military Leadership. Her second Paranormal Talent is Significance Sensing, which “allows characters to sense how important an unknown NPC or event is to history.”
Konrad von Streicher

Amanda Weston
(Date of Birth: September 6, 1934) We learn that, “Her family's wealth and position enabled her to study medicine in both England and France during the 1950s.” Although Weston is the only child of a wealthy family, she “has remarkable and selfless concern for the welfare of others.” Weston has the highest Agility of any of the Trainees. Her elective skills are Medical and Pilot. Weston's second Paranormal Talent is Ignore Pain, just like Rivera above. Depending upon how well a character succeeds with an Ignore Pain check, the effect can last from as little as one minute to a maximum of twelve hours.